SENsational Foundation Wins Jockey Club Prize
Date: 28 Jan 2022
What a massive honour it is to announce that SENsational Foundation have won the Jockey Club Engage Digital Campaign Series! The importance of marketing and social media to an NGO's ability to elevate the voices in true need of empowering - the disability community - is paramount. This series has been a pertinent reminder of how digital spaces can be utilised to produce real, long-lasting change. ·
Such a win can't be pulled off alone, and we'd like to give a massive thank you to our team, Faride Shroff, Mila Devenport, Sakshi Kalia @amaanat, the ACS volunteers Sou Chiam, Nicole Alpert & Kathie Allderidge, and our board members, Karen Khaw and Tania Shroff for their time and collaboration for this very special project.