Enabling equal opportunities for people with different abilities
Did you know?
There are over 1 billion people with disabilities worldwide
Asia Pacific
Over 370 million people in Asia Pacific have a disability. The unemployment rate is typically double that of the general population and often as high as 80%
Hong Kong
24% of companies in Hong Kong focus on disability inclusion as a cause in their diversity and inclusion policy
Hong Kong
Over 500,000 people with disabilities live in Hong Kong. 1/3 of the population is of working age, yet only 39% are economically active.

Our Mission
We enable equal opportunities for people with different abilities
and strive to create an inclusive environment for all.
SENsational works to dispel common misconceptions about disabilities
and use effective training methods to pave the way for an open-minded
approach towards the inclusion of people with disabilities
in the corporate world.

Our Story
Faride Shroff, the founder and director of SENsational Foundation,
worked as a special needs’ educator for 30 years.
During her career, Faride discovered a lack of employment opportunities for people
with disabilities and special needs at corporate organisations.
In response to this dire need, SENsational Foundation was set up in 2013
with the aim to bridge this gap and provide equal opportunities for people
who are differently abled.
To expand our outreach and bring about bigger change for the disability and ethnic minority
communities in the region, we registered as an NGO and
were awarded this status in August 2020.
SENsational Foundation is a charitable entity set up under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance in Hong Kong, No. 2971444.

Our Work
Less than 0.02% of registered companies in Hong Kong employ people with disabilities.
We aim to change this by creating an awareness of the benefits this untapped talent pool
can bring to an organization.
We can help you become more diverse and more inclusive through the successful
employment of people with disabilities.
We offer strategic advice on your recruitment requirements and the onboarding process.