PDNHK: "Human Library" I & II
Date: 30 May & 19 July 2023
The Professional Disability Network Hong Kong recently hosted the second edition of its successful human library event, aimed at promoting open dialogue and creating a new perspective on disability. The event built on the success of the first edition, which was held on 30 May 2023 and featured a unique concept of "human libraries" where participants cycled around different stations, each featuring a guest speaker who shared their personal experiences with disability. The purpose of having guest speakers engage with small groups was to create a safe and inclusive space for open dialogue on disabilities.
Both editions of the human library featured a diverse group of guest speakers, including individuals with apparent and non-apparent disabilities, individuals with family members who had a disability, and individuals championing disability rights. The events showcased the various ways in which people can be connected to disability and how these experiences can shape who we are.
The second edition of the human library offered a more intimate and reflective atmosphere, in contrast to the focus on perspective-sharing in the first edition. Participants engaged in even more insightful conversations and gained a deeper understanding of disability. The speakers shared their stories with authenticity and passion, creating an atmosphere of curiosity and care that facilitated meaningful interactions.
PDNHK would like to extend its sincere thanks to all the guest speakers—Amanda Au, Hannah Bent, Vivian Cheng, Yuni Ji, Jo Lodder, Bryan Lui, Jonathan Mok, Christy Ting, and Jacky Wan—for being willing to share their experiences and stories. The organisation would also like to thank Manulife, a PDNHK member, for sponsoring the first event and JLL for being the venue sponsor for the second event, without which it would not have been possible to bring such authentic moments of connectivity and compassion to fruition.
The success of both editions of the human library demonstrates PDNHK's commitment to creating a platform for individuals with disabilities and their allies to share their experiences, advocate for their rights, and build a supportive community. The organisation looks forward to hosting many more successful events in the future.
職業傷健人士香港網絡最近成功舉辦了第二次人類圖書館活動,旨在促進 開放對話並創造關於殘疾的新視角。 此次活動於 2023 年 5 月 30 日舉行,並具有獨特的 “人類圖書館”概念。 每場活動都有一位特邀演講者分享他們的殘疾個人經歷, 讓特邀的演講者與小組互動。這樣的目的是創造一個安全的環境,讓行動不便的人和他們的盟友就各種問題進行公開對話。
兩次人類圖書館都有不同的演講嘉賓, 包括有明顯和非明顯殘疾的個人、 亦有患有殘疾的家庭成員以及擁護殘疾人權利的人士。 這些活動展示了行動不便的人士可以通過多種方式貢獻社會。
PDNHK 想向所有演講嘉賓致以真誠的謝意——這包括Amanda Au、Hannah Bent、Vivian Cheng、Yuni Ji、Jo Lodder、Bryan Lui、Jonathan Mok、Christy Ting 和 Jacky Wan。他們願意分享他們的經歷,故事和觀點,令活動生色不少。 我們還要感謝 PDNHK 成員之一的宏利保險 (Manulife) 擔當第一場活動和仲量聯行和擔當第二場活動的場地贊助商,如果沒有它們,活動亦不可能這樣成功。
<人類圖書館個案館>的成功證明了 PDNHK 致力於為傷健人士及其盟友創建一個平台,分享他們的經驗。我們支持他們取得他們的權利,並建立一個支持性的社區。 我們期待在香港舉辦更多活動。