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What we do

Less than 0.02% of registered companies in Hong Kong employ people with disabilities. We aim to change this by creating an awareness of the benefits of hiring from this untapped talent pool.

Be part of the change! Create a more diverse and inclusive workplace!

Our Goals


Collaboration is key to our success. We need committed partnerships across all sectors, ranging from government bodies, medical and educational institutions to corporations, private individuals and more. We need to take a holistic approach to how we can improve our system to ensure equal opportunities for those living with a disability.

Stewards of Change

Diversity and inclusion is high on the agenda for most companies across Asia Pacific. Our goal is to increase the focus on disability inclusion and highlight how employees with disabilities can strengthen your workforce and add value to your business.


Creating more awareness of the benefits of hiring employees with disabilities is key to championing greater inclusion in the workplace. We hope to change perceptions and promote equal opportunities for everyone.

Our Services

Awareness Workshop

Our 2-hour workshop uses simulated activities and discussions to help participants experience the world differently, from the perspective of a person with a disability.

Panel Discussion

We invite speakers with disabilities from different backgrounds. The panel discussion can be part of a company town hall or an evening cocktail event to enable networking and direct interaction with the guest speakers.

Our Services

Lunch and Learn

Our Lunch and Learn session shares invaluable insight into the reality of living with a disability. Your employees will discover tangible ways to adapt their work environment to accommodate differences.

Onboarding Workshop

This workshop will provide a deeper understanding of your new colleague’s specific disability. We will identify realistic and cost-effective individualized accommodations to facilitate participation, enhance wellbeing and optimize productivity.